Publications and articles

15 July 2024

UK changes rules for mergers and introduces digital markets regime

One year after it was first presented to parliament, the long-awaited Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act (DMCCA) received royal assent on 24 May 2024, marking a shift in digital, competition and consumer protection regulation in the UK. The DMCCA grants the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) expanded powers to regulate the digital sector, scrutinise a broad range of mergers and acquisitions across digital and other markets, enforce consumer protection law, and strengthen competition oversight.
12 July 2024

Dutch Supreme Court: dynamic incorporation clause passes to new owner after transfer of undertaking

On 12 July 2024, the Supreme Court issued a ruling that is important to the employment law and M&A practice in the Netherlands. The case concerns the question of whether a "dynamic incorporation clause" in an employment agreement passes automatically to the new owner after a transfer of undertaking (TUPE) within the meaning of article 7:662 Dutch Civil Code. A dynamic incorporation clause is a clause that provides that not only the collective bargaining agreement in force at the start of the employment but also later versions of that collective agreement, will apply to the employment agreement. We previously reported on the case in this article.
12 July 2024

De Brauw contributes Netherlands chapter to ICLG - fintech 2024

De Brauw's chapter in the 2024 edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide - Fintech provides a detailed overview of the fintech landscape, market developments, and regulatory regime in the Netherlands. The chapter reflects on the Netherlands' position as a global frontrunner in fintech, highlighting its strong business climate, digital infrastructure, and innovative companies such as Adyen,, Floryn, Mollie, neobank Bunq, Buckaroo, Bitfury, BUX, Online Payment Platform, and Flow Traders.
Phenster De Brauw7 Mrt 0076

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