De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek's general meeting has appointed Dorothee van Vredenburch as Executive Partner. Together with Managing Partner Marnix Leijten and Practice Partner Anja Mutsaers, Van Vredenburch will manage the law firm as of 1 January 2020.
Van Vredenburch has years of experience working in international business, both as founder of innovative consultancy firms and as executive at a number of listed companies. In 2009, she was hired by ING to take a central role in separating the company's banking and insurance business. She then moved to NN Group to help it transform to an independent company. In this role, van Vredenburch was closely involved in strengthening NN Group's identity, setting its strategic direction and overseeing culture change in the organisation.
Leijten: "Anja and I are pleased that we have found a colleague on the board who has extensive experience as a manager, as well as entrepreneurial skills and social engagement, a unique combination. Dorothee's clear vision on leadership in companies – including the need of a balanced focus on purpose, people and performance - closely matches our own view of where De Brauw should be heading. Our clients are facing increasingly complex challenges that go to the core of their business while also having a strong social impact. Often, the law in its current shape no longer offers ready solutions to these challenges. Teams of experts are needed who have a broad outlook, in-depth expertise and a sharp eye for what is fair and appropriate to our society. A multitalented executive like Dorothee will widen our views and bring new perspectives. I very much look forward to working with Anja and Dorothee in consolidating De Brauw's position as a market leader in the Netherlands, extending our growing international practice and taking up our role in society as lawyers."
Van Vredenburch: "De Brauw is a firm with a glowing track record and a fantastic reputation, and at the same time, an organisation in transition. In my previous positions, I have had the pleasure of working with the firm and seeing how it continually strives to grow and develop. The new board's focus, the firm's international positioning, and the legal excellence it strives for pose interesting challenges, in an organisational as well as a cultural sense. This makes it a step for me that I greatly look forward to.”