There have been many developments in national and European financial markets regulation during the past month. We provide a brief overview of these developments, which include the Council of the EU's vote on the EU banking reform package and, in the Netherlands, the adoption of a Dutch bill implementing the Prospectus Regulation and the rejection of a remuneration bill put forward by some members of parliament.
Highlighted publications
EU Banking Reform Package adopted by the Council of the EU
Following the adoption of the EU Banking Reform Package by the European Parliament in April 2019, the Council of the EU adopted the package on 14 May. The next step is for the legislation to be published in the Official Journal of the EU. Click here for our booklet highlighting the key changes to the capital requirements and resolution framework.
Implementation of Prospectus Regulation
A bill implementing the Prospectus Regulation was adopted by the First Chamber of the Dutch parliament on 14 May. It is expected to enter into force on 21 July, the date as of which the Prospectus Regulation applies.
Because the regulation has direct effect, most articles concerning prospectuses will be removed from the Dutch Financial Markets Supervision Act. Only four articles will remain, which include the issuer's responsibility for the information in the prospectus and the national regime for exempted offers of securities to the public. Also, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) will be granted the necessary powers under the regulation.
Ahead of implementation, the Netherlands raised the exemption limit for offers of securities to the public from EUR 2.5 million to EUR 5 million last year.
Supervisors highlight importance of preparing for interest rate benchmarks transition
The AFM and the Dutch Central Bank have sent banks, insurers and pension funds a letter on the ongoing worldwide interest rate benchmarks reforms and, in particular, the transition from critical interest rate benchmarks to alternative risk-free rates (RFRs). The benchmarks EURIBOR, LIBOR and EONIA are not sustainable in their current form and may not meet the requirements set out in the European Benchmark Regulation, which is applicable in full as of 1 January 2022. In the letter, the AFM and the Dutch Central Bank urge market participants to analyse the risks involved with the transition and to take appropriate action to prepare for the transition to alternative benchmarks.
Remuneration bill rejected
The Second Chamber of the Dutch parliament has rejected a members' bill amending current remuneration legislation. The members wanted to tighten the definition of fixed remuneration. They also proposed requiring systemically relevant banks to obtain the Minister of Finance's approval before setting or increasing the fixed remuneration of a managing director. In February 2019, the Minister of Finance indicated that the government’s advice to parliament was not to adopt this bill.
Financial Supervision Funding
Following the entry into force of the Act on the Funding of Financial Supervision 2019 as of 1 January 2019, a corresponding decree has now been published. The decree contains rules for apportioning the costs to the different categories of supervised entities. The main change to the framework is that levies will be specified in delegated legislation rather than in the act itself, making the system more flexible.
Other publications
- Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the application and review of the BRRD and the SRMR, EC, 30 April 2019
- Adoption of the banking package, EC, 16 April 2019
- 'No-deal' Brexit preparedness, EC, 10 April 2019
- Distance Marketing of Financial Services – evaluation of EU rules, EC, 9 April 2019
- Capital Markets Union: Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP), EC, 4 April 2019
- Global blockchain association launched, EC, 3 April 2019
- Financial technology: European Commission and European Supervisory Authorities launch new platform to improve cooperation on technological innovation in the financial sector, EC, 3 April 2019
- New Deal for Consumers: European Commission welcomes provisional agreement on strengthening EU consumer protection rules, EC, 2 April 2019
- Capital Markets Union: Creating a stronger and more integrated European financial supervisory architecture, including on anti-money laundering, EC, 1 April 2019
- Clearing obligation, reporting requirements and risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivatives, and trade repositories - adopted text (EP), EP, 18 April 2019
- Covered bonds and covered bond public supervision - adopted text (EP), EP, 18 April 2019
- Disclosures relating to sustainable investments and sustainability risks, EC, 18 April 2019
- Authorisation of CCPs and recognition of third-country CCPs, EP, 16 April 2019
- Exposures in the form of covered bonds- adopted text (EP), EP, 16 April 2019
- Final vote on proportional and risk based oversight for investment firms, EP, 16 April 2019
- MEPs strengthen EU financial watchdogs, EP, 16 April 2019
- Parliament approves rules to reduce risks to EU banks and protect taxpayers, EP, 16 April 2019
- Updated Briefing: Enabling SMEs' access to capital markets, EP, 9 April 2019
- Stock take of the SRB’s activities over the past years, EP, 8 April 2019
- Personal pension saving: EU alternative to offer more flexibility, EP, 4 April 2019
- EBA sees significant improvement in the work of supervisory colleges in 2018 but efforts are still needed to enhance the risk assessment reports and the joint decisions, EBA, 30 April 2019
- EBA publishes clarifications to a third set of issues raised by its Working Group on APIs under PSD2, EBA, 26 April 2019
- Additional background and guidance for asking questions, EBA, 25 April 2019
- EBA adds MCD to its online Interactive Single Rulebook and QA tools, EBA, 25 April 2019
- EBA publishes Opinion on the nature of passport notifications for agents and distributors of e-money, EBA, 24 April 2019
- EBA closes investigation into possible breach of Union law by the Danish and Estonian supervisory authorities, EBA, 17 April 2019
- Joint EBA & EBF Workshop on Sustainable Finance Thursday, 4 April 2019 - Brussels Highlights and summary, EBA, 15 April 2019
- EBA updates list of diversified indices, EBA, 11 April 2019
- EBA publishes final draft standards on the conditions to allow institutions to calculate capital requirements of securitised exposures (Kirb) in accordance with the purchased receivables approach, EBA, 8 April 2019
- EBA centralises information on administrative sanctions or measures under AMLD4, EBA, 3 April 2019
- EBA acknowledges notification from the Austrian Financial Market Authority, EBA, 3 April 2019
- Official translations Guidelines on disclosure of non-performing and forborne exposures, EBA, 1 April 2019
- EBA publishes clarifications to the second set of issues raised by its Working Group on APIs under PSD2, EBA, 1 April 2019
- ESMA Guidelines, ESMA, 30 April 2019
- ESMA publishes translations for CSDR Guidelines on internalised settlement reporting, ESMA, 30 April 2019
- Notice of ESMA’s Product Intervention Renewal Decision in relation to contracts for differences, ESMA, 30 April 2019
- ESMA updates publication schedule for transparency calculations in May and June 2019, ESMA, 26 April 2019
- SFD Designated Payment and Securities Settlement Systems, ESMA, 25 April 2019
- List of market makers and authorised primary dealers who are using the exemption under the Regulation on short selling and credit default swaps, ESMA, 23 April 2019
- EFRAG’s Draft Comment Letter on IASB’s Exposure Draft Onerous Contracts – Cost of Fulfilling a Contract Proposed amendments to IAS 37, ESMA, 18 april 2019
- ESMA Guidelines, ESMA, 16 April 2019
- ESMA publishes translations for Guidelines on CCP APC Margin Measures, ESMA, 15 April 2019
- Guidelines on EMIR Anti-Procyclicality Margin Measures for Central Counterparties, ESMA, 15 April 2019
- ESMA update on no-deal Brexit preparations, ESMA, 12 April 2019
- Guidance on registering trade repositories, ESMA, 11 April 2019
- List of Central Counterparties authorised to offer services and activities in the Union, ESMA, 9 April 2019
- Questions and answers Transparency Directive (2004/109/EC) , ESMA, 8 April 2019
- Questions and Answers Prospectuses 30th updated version – April 2019, ESMA, 8 April 2019
- Relevant Authorities for Central Securities Depositories (CSDs), ESMA, 8 April 2019
- ESMA has adopted new recognition decisions for the three UK CCPs and the UK, ESMA, 5 April 2019
- ESMA Guidelines, ESMA, 5 April 2019
- ESMA publishes translations for guidelines on CCP conflict of interest management, ESMA, 5 April 2019
- ESMA publishes MiFID II Supervisory Briefing on Appropriateness and Execution-only, ESMA, 4 April 2019
- ESMA issues first pan-EU overview of use of supervisory sanctions for UCITS, ESMA, 4 April 2019
- Key Relevant Provisions of the Corporate or Similar Law of Member States, ESMA, 3 April 2019
- Steven Maijoor delivers key note speech at Better Finance 10th Anniversary Conference, ESMA, 3 April 2019
- Technical Guidance for Settlement Internalisers – Report Validation Rules CSDR Article 9 - Internalised Settlement Reporting, ESMA, 3 April 2019
- Mandate for a peer review into the collection and use of Suspicious Transaction and Order Reports under the Market Abuse Regulation as a source of information in the context of market abuse investigations, ESMA, 1 April 2019
- List of designated competent authorities under Securitisation Regulation, ESMA, 1 April 2019
- EIOPA issues Recommendations to National Competent Authorities to address vulnerabilities identified by the 2018 Insurance Stress Test, EIOPA, 26 April 2019
- EIOPA reports about its 2018 supervisory activities and sets out the 2019 priorities, EIOPA, 26 April 2019
- EIOPA continues dialogue with stakeholders on Cyber Insurance, EIOPA, 16 April 2019
- EIOPA identifies areas for improvement in the supervision of Prudent Person Rule compliance by institutions for occupational retirement provision, EIOPA, 15 April 2019
- EIOPA updates Pension Registers, EIOPA, 12 April 2019
- The use of cloud computing by (re) insurance undertakings, EIOPA, 11 April 2019
- EIOPA calls for consistent application of the proportionality principle for the supervision of Solvency Capital Requirement, EIOPA, 11 April 2019
- EIOPA’s Risk Dashboard for April 2019 shows broadly unchanged risk levels for the European Union insurance sector, EIOPA, 11 April 2019
- Answers to (EU) 2015-35 supplementing Directive 2009-138, EIOPA, 9 April 2019
- Answers to (EU) No 2015-2013 standard deviations in relation to health risk equalisation systems, EIOPA, 9 April 2019
- Answers to (EU) No 2015-2450 templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities, EIOPA, 9 April 2019
- Answers to guidelines on classification of own funds, EIOPA, 9 April 2019
- Monthly update of the symmetric adjustment of the equity capital charge for Solvency II – end-March 2019, EIOPA, 4 April 2019
- EIOPA welcomes the adoption of the Regulation introducing a Pan-European Personal Pension Product, EIOPA, 4 April 2019
- EIOPA consults on corrections and amendments to the implementing technical standards on reporting and disclosure, EIOPA, 2 April 2019
- ECB sets supervisory fees at €576 million for 2019, ECB, 30 April 2019
- Central Bankers, Supervisors and Climate-Related Risks, ECB, 17 April 2019
- Mutually assured cooperation – the issue of cross-border banks, ECB, 12 April 2019
- ECB launches public consultation on amendments to the supervisory fees framework, ECB, 10 April 2019
- ECB Banking Supervision publishes results of 2018 SREP, ECB, 8 April 2019
- Interim update on the Targeted Review of Internal Models (TRIM), ECB, 5 April 2019
- European Securities and Markets Authority Decision (EU) 2019/679 of 17 April 2019 renewing the temporary restriction on the marketing, distribution or sale of contracts for differences to retail clients, OJ, 30 April 2019
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/667 of 19 December 2018 amending Delegated Regulations (EU) 2015/2205, (EU) 2016/592 and (EU) 2016/1178 to extend the dates of deferred application of the clearing obligation for certain OTC derivative contracts, OJ, 29 April 2019
- Regulation (EU) 2019/630 amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards minimum loss coverage for non-performing exposures, OJ, 25 April 2019
- Corrigendum to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/461 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/522 as regards the exemption of the Bank of England and the United Kingdom Debt Management Office from the scope of the MAR, OJ, 11 April 2019
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/565 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2205, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/592 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1178 supplementing EMIR as regards the date at which the clearing obligation takes effect for certain types of contracts, OJ, 10 April 2019
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/564 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/2251 supplementing EMIR as regards the date until which counterparties may continue to apply their risk-management procedures for certain OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP, OJ, 10 April 2019
- Banking Union — Annual Report 2017 European Parliament resolution of 1 March 2018 on Banking Union — Annual Report 2017 (2017/2072(INI)), OJ, 5 April 2019
- Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/544 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/2031 determining, for a limited period of time, that the regulatory framework applicable to central counterparties in the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is equivalent, in accordance with EMIR, OJ, 4 April 2019
- Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/545 amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/2030 determining, for a limited period of time, that the regulatory framework applicable to central securities depositories of the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is equivalent in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, OJ, 4 April 2019
- Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/541 of 1 April 2019 on the equivalence of the legal and supervisory framework applicable to approved exchanges and recognised market operators in Singapore in accordance with MiFIR, OJ, 2 April 2019
- Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/536 of 29 March 2019 amending Implementing Decision 2014/908/EU as regards the lists of third countries and territories whose supervisory and regulatory requirements are considered equivalent for the purposes of the treatment of exposures in accordance with CRR, OJ, 1 April 2019
- Kwartaaloverzicht van lopende EU-wetgevingsonderhandelingen op het terrein van het ministerie van Financiën, MinFin, 23 April 2019
- Verslag Eurogroep en informele Ecofinraad van 5 en 6 april in Boekarest, MinFin, 18 April 2019
- Beantwoording Kamervragen Catshuisoverleg bankensector, MinFin, 18 April 2019
- Beantwoording Kamervragen over de berichten ‘ING ook in Italië laks met controle tegen witwaspraktijken’ en ‘Hoekstra: affaire ING in Italië verontrustend’, MinFin, 15 April 2019
- Beantwoording Kamervragen Implementatiewet vierde anti-witwasrichtlijn, MinFin, 15 April 2019
- Kamerbrief aanpassing verordening solvabiliteit II, MinFin, 10 April 2019
- Aanbiedingsbrief Wetgevingsbrieven DNB en AFM 2019, MinFin, 10 April 2019
- Kamerbrief innovatie in de financiële sector, MinFin, 9 April 2019
- Beantwoording Kamervragen over misbruik crowdfundkanalen, MinFin, 8 April 2019
- Wetsvoorstel UBO-register ingediend bij de Tweede kamer, MinFin, 4 April 2019
- Antwoorden Kamervragen Agenda financiële sector, MinFin, 4 April 2019
- Nader schriftelijk overleg over verslag Eurogroep en Ecofinraad van 3 en 4 december 2018, MinFin, 2 April 2019
- Beantwoording Kamervragen naar aanleiding van berichtgeving witwassen door een Russische bank, MinFin, 1 April 2019
- Antwoord van minister Hoekstra (Financiën) (ontvangen 29 maart 2019), MinFin, 1 April 2019
- Verslag van een algemeen overleg, MinFin, 1 April 2019
- Verzamelbrief pensioenonderwerpen, MinSZW, 24 April 2019
- Beantwoording Kamervragen over rol vermogensbeheerders en beleggingsinstellingen, MinSZW, 23 April 2019
- Beantwoording Kamervragen over het Eerlijk Pensioenlabel, MinSZW, 16 April 2019
- Beantwoording Kamervragen over brief vernieuwing pensioenstelsel, MinSZW, 8 April 2019
- AFM en DNB wijzen markt op belang overgang naar alternatieve benchmarks, AFM, 25 April 2019
- Het gedrag van medewerkers bepaalt uiteindelijk hoe ethisch en klantgericht een onderneming is’, AFM, 24 April 2019
- AFM verbiedt binaire opties en beperkt verkoop CFD’s, AFM, 18 April 2019
- AFM-jaarverslag 2018: voorbereiding op brexit, scherper toezicht op kredietverlening, AFM, 11 April 2019
- AFM-onderzoek: keuzevrijheid bij pensioen gaat niet vanzelf goed, AFM, 11 April 2019
- AFM en AMF pleiten voor meer transparantie in prospectus voor groene obligaties, AFM, 3 April 2019
- Financiële positie pensioenfondsen nog niet toereikend, DNB, 30 April 2019
- Nieuwsbrief Banken april 2019, DNB, 30 April 2019
- Nieuwsbrief Pensioenen april 2019, DNB, 30 April 2019
- Nieuwsbrief Verzekeren april 2019, DNB, 30 April 2019
- Financiële sector buigt zich over CO2-beprijzing en biodiversiteit, DNB, 25 April 2019
- Vierde tussenrapportage rentederivaten, DNB, 23 April 2019
- NGFS roept centrale banken, toezichthouders en andere stakeholders op om in actie te komen en het financiële systeem te verduurzamen, DNB, 17 April 2019
- The future agenda for financial sector reforms; Financial stability and regulatory developments for the financial industry, DNB, 11 April 2019
- Nederlandse financiële markt in trek bij nieuwkomers, DNB, 10 April 2019
- FSB publishes peer review on bank resolution planning, FSB, 29 April 2019
- FSB plenary meets in New York, FSB, 26 April 2019
- Besluit bekostiging financieel toezicht 2019, Staatsblad, 25 April 2019
- Besluit van 18 april 2019, houdende het verbod op het op de markt brengen, verspreiden of het verkopen van binaire opties aan niet-professionele cliënten in verband met MiFIR de Wft (Verbod op binaire opties), Staatscourant, 18 April 2019
- Verbond tevreden met akkoord over herziening Europees financieel toezicht, VvV, 18 April 2019
- Kans op pensioenverlagingen neemt verder toe, Pensioenfederatie, 18 April 2019
- Besluit van 18 april 2019, houdende beperkingen aan het op de markt brengen, verspreiden of het verkopen van contracts for differences aan niet-professionele cliënten in verband met MiFIR en de Wft (Beperkingen aan CFD’s), Staatscourant, 18 April 2019
- Politiek akkoord over de herziening van het Europees toezicht, Pensioenfederatie, 17 April 2019
- Beantwoording vragen over doorrekeningen van het Klimaatakkoord, Pensioenfederatie, 12 April 2019
- FATF Ministers give FATF an open-ended Mandate, FATF, 15 April 2019
- Verzekeraars en gevolmachtigden aan de slag met datakwaliteit, VvV, 12 April 2019
- Uitstel Brexit tot 31 oktober, VvV, 12 April 2019
- The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book and Emerging Markets, ISDA, 11 April 2019
- Verbond: betere vergelijkbaarheid rond variabel pensioen, VvV, 10 April 2019
- Start module ‘Innovatie’ PE-programma Deskundigheidsbevordering, VvV, 10 April 2019
- Concepten voor UPO-modellen 2020 gepubliceerd, VvV, 10 April 2019
- Oproep aan minister Koolmees om knelpunten klein pensioen op te lossen, VvV, 10 April 2019
- Verbond vindt UBO-wetsvoorstel ‘gemiste kans’, VvV, 10 April 2019
- Fallbacks for derivatives referencing key IBORs, ISDA, 10 April 2019
- ESAs publish Joint Advice on Information and Communication Technology risk management and cybersecurity, ESAs, 10 April 2019
- US, European Officials to Hold Planned Coordination Exercise on Cross-Border Resolution Planning, SRB, 10 April 2019
- Progress on transition to risk-free rates, FSB, 10 April 2019
- FSB Chair writes to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, FSB, 9 April 2019
- The Joint Committee of the ESAs publishes its 2018 Annual Report, ESAs, 9 April 2019
- Standardised approach - implementing the mapping process, Bis, 9 April 2019
- Consolidated Basel Framework, Bis, 9 April 2019
- Digital Asset and ISDA Introduce Tool to Help Drive Adoption of ISDA CDM, ISDA, 9 April 2019
- Antwoorden Kamervragen Agenda financiële sector, Pensioenfederatie, 8 April 2019
- FATF Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, FATF, 8 April 2019
- Joint Trade Associations Letter on the Equivalence of EEA Trading Venues, ISDA, 8 April 2019
- FSB publishes directory of crypto-assets regulators, FSB, 5 April 2019
- Beleidsregel toepassing richtsnoeren Europese toezichthoudende autoriteiten Wft 2019, Staatscourant, 5 April 2019
- European Supervisory Authorities publish Q&A on the Key Information Document for PRIIPs, ESAs, 4 April 2019
- Groen licht voor het pan-Europees persoonlijk pensioenproduct, Pensioenfederatie, 4 April 2019
- Adverse scenario for the ESMA 2019 EU-wide central counterparty stress test, ESRB, 3 April 2019
- Towards a sectoral application of the countercyclical capital buffer, BIS, 3 April 2019
- Beyond the Fog of Battle, FSB, 2 April 2019
- Speech: Hearing at the ECON committee of the European Parliament - SRB Chair, Elke König, SRB, 2 April 2019
- EU financial regulators highlight risks of a no-deal brexit and asset price volatility, ESAs, 2 April 2019
- IOSCO report on behavioural insights seeks to enhance retail investor protection, IOSCO, 2 April 2019
- Adverse scenario for EIOPA 2019 EU-wide stress test of pension funds and ESMA 2019 money market fund stress-testing guidelines, ESRB, 2 April 2019
- Europese toezichthouder EIOPA lanceert stress test, Pensioenfederatie, 2 April 2019
- Regeling tot wijziging van de Regeling eindtermen en toetstermen examens financiële dienstverlening Wft in verband met de afname van bijzondere examens en enkele technische wijzigingen, Staatscourant, 1 April 2019
- ESRB recommends EU-wide reciprocation of Sweden’s 25% risk-weight floor for mortgage loans, ESRB, 1 April 2019
- GFMA-GFXD and ISDA Response to EC Consultation on Euro and Market Liquidity in FX Markets, ISDA, 1 April 2019