8 December 2023 / 18:00 - 21:00

Meet The Ocean Cleanup's CEO

28 Slat Ocean Cleanup

How can we effectively manage activities on the high seas, given the absence of state responsibility? What lessons can be gleaned from The Ocean Cleanup's efforts? How might deep-sea mining impact marine ecosystems, and what measures can be taken to mitigate these effects?

On 8 December at De Balie, The Ocean Cleanup & De Brauw will discuss these legal challenges during a reading. 20 students will have a chance to attend this great event and will have a meet & greet with Boyan Slat, the Founder of the Ocean cleanup.

Would you like to attend this evening? Sign up with your CV via the button below before 25 November.

NOTE: You only have to upload your CV. In all the other required fields you can just upload your CV again.

De Balie

Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10, 1017 RR Amsterdam