1 October 2021

De Brauw assists TenneT in expanding the national high-voltage grid (Zeeland)

TenneT is expanding the national high-voltage grid in the southwest of the Netherlands with its new connection Zuid-West 380 kV West (from Borssele to Rilland). One of the main reasons for the expansion of the grid is the ongoing growth of offshore wind power generation capacity off the Dutch southwest coast, as part of the 1.4 GW Borssele Wind Farm Zone. The new grid connection will allow for the avoidance of congestion on the high voltage grid once the wind farms are in operation and will facilitate transfer of green, offshore electricity to demand centres. In its entirety, the Zuidwest 380 kV project also supports increased connectivity of European electricity markets.

De Brauw assisted TenneT in various legal appeal proceedings and proceedings for provisional measures: both on the national zoning plan (inpassingsplan) and relevant permits as well as on obtaining decisions of acquiescence (gedoogplichten).

In July 2021the Council of State rejected the appeals against various environmental permits. Recently, on 30 September 2021, the Council of State rejected the request for preliminary relief by a local resident against the decision of acquiescence. TenneT can continue with the construction of the new grid connection.