
Jonathan is a noted expert on ethics and integrity. He advises and litigates on behalf of corporates, financial institutions, public organisations and professional service firms on integrity, ESG, human rights, disciplinary and governance matters.

He has specific expertise on the bankers oath and disciplinary rules in the financial sector.

He is the author of The Integrity of the Judge (2009), The Value of the Oath (2020) and Logic for Lawyers (2021), and is regularly invited to speak at national and international conferences. He also formed part of the Committee that revised the Dutch Code of Conduct for Lawyers in 2018.


  • Profession

    Advocaat, admitted to the Bar in the Netherlands in 2008

  • Languages

    Dutch, English, German

  • Education

    Utrecht University (PhD law MA religious studies)

    Visiting scholar at Cambridge University

    Radboud University Nijmegen

    Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (MA philosophy)

  • Additional positions

    Professor of Administration of Justice and Legal Philosophy, University of Amsterdam

    Deputy Judge, 's-Hertogenbosch Court of Appeal (Commerce Chamber)

    Former member of the Dutch Senate

    Member of the Disciplinary Court of Appeal for Lawyers

    Lecturer in Ethics, Dutch Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary (SSR)

    Officer, Professional Ethics Committee of the International Bar Association

    Advisory Board Member, Cultuurfonds

    Advisory Board Member, Dutch Legal Aid Board

    Academic Advisory Board Member, FASPE

    Chair, Academic Integrity Committee, The Dutch Research Council (NWO)

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