Real Estate

+ 6 other experts

Critical expertise integrated into the most prestigious and demanding Real Estate projects

Clients choose to work with us on their most prestigious and demanding projects. Whether it is the development of a new HQ, the acquisition or divestment of a business location, or as an integrated part of a much broader corporate transaction , Real Estate remains a key asset that requires critical expertise.

Our Real Estate experts advise Dutch and international companies, institutional investors, and listed real estate companies on their transactions either in the context of an asset deal or a share transaction.

Real Estate is often of particular interest and substance in many of our M&A deals and cross border transactions, and we increasingly act for clients operating in the field of infrastructure and renewable energy where outstanding blended real estate, corporate and regulatory advice is a critical component.


16 August 2023

Dutch Council of State green-lights Porthos project

The highest administrative court in the Netherlands today gave the green light for the first Dutch Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project in the Port of Rotterdam, jointly carried out by Gasunie, EBN and the Port of Rotterdam. The Porthos project is one of the government's key energy transition projects and vital in achieving Dutch climate objectives. The project has been recognised as a Project of Common Interest by the European Commission.
3 November 2022

Landmark ruling: construction exemption annulled. How to exit the nitrogen crisis?

All large-scale construction projects that take place in relation to infrastructure, housing and energy transition with limited nitrogen depositions are affected by this landmark judgment. Earlier judgments had already demonstrated that for such projects, an ecological assessment is decisive. This is all the more relevant after the annulment of the special exemption for emissions caused by temporary construction activities (partiële bouwvrijstelling). Construction projects could get back on track if, based on an ecological assessment, significant negative effects on Natura 2000 areas can be excluded.
10 July 2020

Dutch Supreme Court: credit claims can be assigned and securitisation vehicle has duty of care

The Supreme Court decided on 10 July 2020 that banks can validly assign credit claims to non-banks, also if the underlying loans are non-performing or have been terminated. It also decided that if the assignee is not a bank, it can be required to observe the same duty of care towards debtors as would apply to a bank under the given circumstances. As such, the Supreme Court's decision not only confirms existing practice, but also provides guidance for future securitisations of Dutch loans.

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