Shareholder Activism

Shareholder Activism on the rise

Shareholder Activism remains a steady – and, in 2023, increasing – trend in the landscape of European listed companies. Also in the Netherlands it is and remains an important topic in many boardrooms. Activity in Europe jumped 34%, from 86 new campaigns in 2022 to 115 in 2023 and campaigns are set to play out increasingly in the public eye.

Many Dutch companies face significant disruptions arising from an uncertain macroeconomic environment, escalating geopolitical tensions, and transformative trends like digitalization. At the same time, they are endeavoring to diminish both their direct and indirect carbon emissions, as well as their broader ecological footprint while pursuing sustainable growth. This effort comes at a time when societal interest groups and certain investors often advocate for more sustainable practices. Each of these elements serves as ideal conditions for the cultivation of shareholder and related activism.

Assisting in shareholder activism forms an integral aspect of our extensive corporate assistance for listed clients such as Philips, AkzoNobel, NXP, JustEatTakeAway, Fugro, NN group, ABN AMRO, ING, OCI, AholdDelhaize, and Corbion.

We provide pro-active and responsive counsel to boards and management teams of public companies, offering guidance across the complete spectrum of activist scenarios, from private engagement to public requisitions and campaigns, as well as M&A arbitrage, takeover bid defence and when necessary litigation.

Proudly, we have attained the esteemed third position in Europe in the 2023 Bloomberg European Activism Legal Advisers League Table, maintaining our standing in the Top 5 for the third consecutive year.